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This blog is dedicated to toy stories from my childhood and anecdotes relating to my current toy collection and toy purchasing habits. As my late grand pa used to repeatedly tell me in Cantonese, "All Law Lop Sop." (It's all garbage).

Sunday, July 22, 2012


Noooo... Zoids!
Ever have the realization that you're hobby technically classifies you as a hoarder? Recently, I went through and did some late Spring cleaning. I went through massive amounts of junk, purging what I could and placing the more valuable toys in plastic tubs. It's also a little disturbing to mentally hear your grand fathers voice in your head questioning why you waste all your money on junk. Ha, it's funny how familial logic is ingrained into you subconsciousness. "I know grand pa. I waste money. I'm sorry." ^_^
Audio Tape Graveyard

It's pretty amazing looking back over the decades at the things you purchase and the reasons why a person holds on to those items. It's nice to find old stuff from ones childhood that bring back fond memories of a simpler time in the past. I found a few items from elementary school including a button and t-shirt. I also found my blankey from when I was 4-years old. Precious!
Money Shot!

It was a little sad to throw out my audio cassette and VHS collection. I kept the mix tapes friends made for me and the store bought VHS tapes but there was an insane amount of audio tape singles and stuff I recorded off TV.

Whatever the reason, it's always good to purge once in a while. At least I can recycle the funds gained from selling off items I really have not seen or interacted with in a decade. Oh and I pulled out my vintage Takatoku, Gakken, and Bandai stuff. Oh what a find ... err refind.