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This blog is dedicated to toy stories from my childhood and anecdotes relating to my current toy collection and toy purchasing habits. As my late grand pa used to repeatedly tell me in Cantonese, "All Law Lop Sop." (It's all garbage).

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Toy Purchases June 2012

My purchases in June 2012 were a mix match of stuff since June is usually a pretty crazy month for me professionally. With travel for work, Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3), and San Diego Comic-con prep, there's not much free time to do a lot of collecting. I picked up a few odds and ends including the first wave of Transformers Prime Arms Micron trading figures, 2 Transformers Animated figures (Swoop and Waspinator), Transformers Botcon 2010 Galvatron and Shattered Glass Thundercracker 2-pack, and a MOSPEADA 1/8th Stick Ride Armor. Oh la la.

Transformers Prime Arms Micron Set 1 *Image courtesy of Seibertron.com
First up would be the Transformers Prime Arms Micron Wave 1 Set. The set includes a mini version of Optimus Prime that transforms into a blaster, a mini version on Bumble Bee that transforms into a bladed forearm gauntlet, a Decepticon snake named Gob that comes in 2 colors (black and pink) which transforms into a chain axe, and a Decepticon named Zod that also comes in 2 colors (black and pink) which transforms into a blaster.

Transformers Prime Arms Micron Set 1 Combined
*Image Courtesy of TFW2005
Optimus Prime and Bumble Bee are solid figures. Bumble Bee in particular has both a female and male mini-con port on him so he can be attached to both First Edition and Robots In Disguise Prime Bumble Bee figures. I really like that a lot. As for Gob and Zod, they seem like throwaway figures. Both figures don't really look good in either beast or weapon mode, although at least the black versions make good weapons for the Decepticon Vehicon figures. Overall, The primary figures are worth getting, the black versions of Gob and Zod are also good as accessories for other figures. The pink versions of Gob and Zod are pretty horrible. Additionally, there is a weird alt mode that combines all of the figures into a single standing figure. I'm not sure if this was intentionally designed to combine since the mini-con ports that connect the pieces are either really loose or too tight. This mode is not worth trying to combine after the first try. It has no articulation and is pretty much just a novelty feature. 

Next up is Transformers Animated Waspinator. I have to admit the only reason I picked up this figure is because he was one of the last I needed to complete my Transformers Animated collection. His name pretty much describes him to a tee. He's a anime version of Beast Wars Waspinator. I admit I began collecting the Transformers Animated series after the show was cancelled and I jumped on board due to the unique designs and re-imagined characters more than the story of the animated show. I've seen the show in it's entirety but the shows plot and back stories don't really resonate with me. Hence my lack of excitement for this figure. I got him loose for cheap to fulfill a empty spot in a collection.

Transformers Animated Swoop *Image courtesy of CollectionDX.com
The second Transformers Animated figure I picked up is Transformers Animated Swoop. While I'm indifferent to the Animated series, Swoop has a pretty neat redesign. I like his re-imagined shape and the articulation for this figure is excellent. Additionally, he comes with a ball and chain accessory with real plastic chain links. Animated Swoop rates pretty high with Animated Grimlock. A must own for any Transformers Animated collection.

Botcon 2010 SG Thundercracker and Galvatron
*Image courtesy of Seibertron.com
My next purchase was something I passed on last year. While I was at Botcon 2011, I opted not to get the Galvatron and Shattered Glass Thundercracker 2-pack. At the time I picked up all the Botcon figure sets, I-Gear Dirge, and a Macross 1/55 Milia Valkyrie. I think I tapped my budget and something had to give. Originally, I really was not impressed by this set. The Galvatron was a recolor of Transformers Cybertron Evac (Galaxy Force Live Convoy) and Shattered Glass Thundercracker looked garishly awful in his hyper glow color scheme. Overall, Galvatron is a nice recolor figure. He's done pretty well and one can hardly imagine the figures design was originally for a Autobot. SG Thundercracker is still pretty horribly colored though. He reminds me of the 80's, Trapper Keepers, and skateboards. My confession is I still think this set is mediocre but I was compelled to pick it up to complete my Botcon 2011 set. I feel like a addict.

Henshin Robo MOSPEADA Armor Bike
*Image courtesy of CollectionDX.com
Last up, and the most exciting, is the MOSPEADA 1/8 Stick Ride Armor I purchased MIB. I had this as a kid but somehow the complicated locking mechanism for the bike struts broke over the years. I still have my original one form childhood but ti's in pretty bad condition. Many will know this toy as the Cyclone from Robotech.

I remember getting this for the first Christmas my dad came back into my life and was living with my mom and I back when I was in eighth grade. I remember sneaking around my house when my parents were out and finding this wrapped up in my dads closet. Ha ha. I could totally make out the orange color of the box under the holiday wrap and I was so excited. I also remember getting pink eye a few days after Christmas and lying on the sofa int he living room trying to transform this toy while my eyes were all gunked out. 

This toy is the seminal transforming motorcycle. It was pretty much the first of it's kind and in my opinion the best still. There have been a few updated versions of this toy including Toynami and CM's Corps figures but like I said this one is the best. It's old school charm, bulk, and 80's design ingenuity lend to a figure without equal. This particular version is the later Gakken version which unfortunately does not have the missile springs. I love this toy. It has many memories attached to it and I'm happy to own a pristine version in it's original packaging. This purchase also happens to complete my Gakken MOSPEADA collection. Yay!

Henshin Robo MOSPEADA Armor Bike

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