Last Friday Transformers Prime Episode 52 "Darkest Hour" aired and oh
my god, wow. This is the most epic season finale of all
Transformers animation history. Episode 52 beats Beasts Wars Season
2 finale by miles. With the apparent defeat of the Autobots and the fate
of both Optimus Prime and Wheeljack unknown, the tension and
apex of season 2's 26 episode story arc was a masterful climax.
my god, wow. This is the most epic season finale of all
Transformers animation history. Episode 52 beats Beasts Wars Season
2 finale by miles. With the apparent defeat of the Autobots and the fate
of both Optimus Prime and Wheeljack unknown, the tension and
apex of season 2's 26 episode story arc was a masterful climax.
That being said I started thinking a lot about all the individual story strands that make up the tapestry of Season 2 and while I'm was super stoked with the finale and a handful of individual episodes (my favs include Crossfire, Armada, Toxicity, and Out of the Past), the bulk of the season had a lot of
unanswered and superfluous story arcs. Below are my top ambiguous
questions that were not answered in the shows finale.

Additionally, the first few appearances of the Insecticons hyped them up
as brutal, primal, and very deadly combatants. Once Arachnid was
defeated and Megatron took control of the Insecticon swarm almost all the
Insecticons turned into cannon fodder, with the exception of Hard Shell.
Why did they get nerfed so drastically?

Unfortunately for her, she was finally defeated by a quick witted
Arcee and frozen in a Insecticon Stasis Pod. It's shown that the Stasis Pod
housing her is reclaimed and stored in the Autobot Vault in their secret base.
During the final Iacon Key arc, Starscream raids the vault for the Iacon Keys.
You would think he would have seen her there. One would suspect he
would have killed her outright for her prior treachery (she ordered her first
Insecticon to eviscerate him after all). Even if he was too much in a hurry to
acknowledge her, they should have at least showed that she was still there.
This all leads to to episode 52 "Darkest Hour". The Nemesis destroys the
Autobot base, seemingly demolishing the entire mountain range the base
was embedded in. Was Arachnid vaporized or is she still in stasis buried
under the massive debris of a collapsed mountain?

retreated to Earth? Also, did the Forge of Solus Prime survive the
obliteration of the Autobot base? The forge has the ability to craft any
weapon or apparatus (including a fully working Space Bridge, the Star
Saber, and Dark Energon Saber) so the relic is probably the most
powerful item in all of Transformers Prime universe. It would suck if it
was used as a throw away plot device.

Overall, these plot gaffs do bother me but they don't provide substantial logic leaps that hinder the enjoyment of season 2 as a whole. I'm off to rewatch the entire thing over again and hopefully they will add some behind the scenes info to enlighten these unanswered questions when the Bluray comes out later this year. Let me know what you think?
PS. Smokescreen and the kids still suck. Dreadwing, Hard Shell, and Breakdown were weak characters and deserved to die. After seeing Cliff Jumper in "Out of the Past" I really think killing him in season 1, episode 1 was a HUGE mistake! Sigh.
Transformers Prime is 10x better than G1 & wayyyy better than any other Transformers series. That last episode left me shocked which is awesome. The good guys winning all the time isn't exciting. At the end of both S1 & S2 the decepticons are winning. The prime writers said once a character is dead, he stays dead. I don't think Optimus would just be killed like that & I could easily see arachnid surviving the blast b/c she was in that protective shell. I wouldn't mind seeing Starscream & Smokescreen die...or Miko lol
ReplyDeleteYes, I totally agree with you that Prime is the best animated Transformers program ever! I know some will say it's not a fair comparison to G1 but it's the natural evolution of the brand. Prime is currently the apex! Totally agree with you too on how the Decepticons are treated in Prime. They are capable. They are a real threat and they can win which brings an aspect of real drama and edge tot he series.
DeleteOptimus has a habit of dying and being resurrected, he died like 3 times in the G1 timeline. My theory is they did kill him off and the Autobots now have to chase after something that can resurrect him. I think Alpha Trion might make appearance finally in Season 3 too.
I defer with you on Starscream though. I think his off kilter personality adds a lot of comedy and intrigue to the show. He's pretty much mental and I find that pretty funny. As for the kids and Smokescreen, I won't miss them at all if they were ever to get killed off. Those characters are just generic and one dimensional. Thanks for chiming in.